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Cup of coffee with a bumble bee flying round it, use yellow and black.jpg
An image that shows a history, a person looking back over their life, a history.  Use the
The first ever outreach, Cardiff, Wales 2013

The first ever street kitchen was alongside 'Food Not Bombs' in Cardiff, Craig's home town.

Cardiff hosted the Coffee4Craig Soup kitchen that Sian and Jake managed for 4 years. 

September 2013

the begining

September 2013 Craig died, but Coffee4Craig was born. Risha, Craig's big sister, wanted to do something to mark his life and to help others in similar situations. 

Little did her, or her husband, Hendrix realise what they were starting would take over their lives and become their mission. 

The first 'group' to serve free food on Piccadilly on a regular basis. 

2013 - 2016

Feeding people on the streets of manchester & Cardiff

Between 2013 and 2016 Hendrix, Risha, all the other Manchester volunteers along with Jake, Sian and the other volunteers in Cardiff were out feeding folks on the streets. They were offering conversation, food and hope to people on the streets. 

Manchester street kitchen 2014


Hendrix and Risha (C4C), Jude (Lifeshare) and Steph and Becky (RoC) & Mikey (CAN) started the Coalition Of Relief, a networking and best practise sharing space for grassroots groups -

From the ideas and feedback from these meetings incredible city wide projects came to fruition. Projects like Real Change, The Homelessness Partnership and various other schemes. The conversations at CoR  network meetings played a part in a lot of the strategies being implemented today.  

Bez from the Happy Mondays is our patron and bezt mate!

Notable mentions...

Bez/Mark Berry became the C4C patron in 2014!  He has gone onto share their story on national TV, Radio and even had a stint on Mastermind to raise money. 

2016 - 2020....

Partnering with CentrePoint, moving indoors 2016

the move indoors

The incredible Kate (CEO) at YPSF on Oldham Street saw something in Coffee4Craig and opened the door to us so that the street kitchen could offer more dignity.


We very quickly had to go from volunteers outside on the streets to employing staff, operating a full 7 night a week drop-in and offering a more holistic service, indoors. 

YPSF went on to become Centre Point. We stayed working with them up until we got our own building in 2020...

Little did we know what was to come... (more on pandemics later)

2019 - Metallica 

One email that changed the trajectory and led to a project changing donation (pictured) that set us on the path to being able to move into our own building, continue in the face of a pandemic and continue supporting the cities most vulnerable people.  Metallica, yes, THAT Metallica!! (All Within Your Hands Foundation) handing over the cheque for £40,000 

Metallica yes the band... Donated £40,000 in 2019

2020 - 2024

A move, a redevelopment and A pandemic,  

Feb 14th 2020 was the day we got the keys to our 'new' building. March 2020 brought a worldwide pandemic.

Covid-19 hit the UK and by March 2020 we had gone into lock down. As we were already closed due to refurbishment and this gave the perfect opportunity for Risha and Hendrix to return to the front line of a crisis.

Locally they supported other charities with staffing, they led from the front at the 1st 'Covid hotel' in Manchester and supported GMP (Greater Manchester Police) with vital welfare checks on the homeless community. They also supported Mustard Tree and were honoured to work alongside their team.  


Working on the new building The Meanwhile, Coffee4Craig
The Meanwhile Great Ducie Street Manchester

By September 2020, at the 7 year anniversary mark, we had opened The Meanwhile, named in honour of Paul Longshaw, Salford legend and local hero. 

The Meanwhile was built by builders who were furloughed, other charity workers and our own staff/volunteers.

Flintshire Crane Hire were the biggest donor and without them or Liz we would not have a Meanwhile at all... Many others provided hours and dedication, too many to name here. 

some of the memories and people we've met so far...

Open Weekdays 6pm - 8pm Weekends 5pm - 7pm R&R Project (appointment only)

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0161 383 2926

الوحدة 5،

153 شارع دوسي العظيم،


M3 1FB

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